
Supervision is a joint endeavour in which a practitioner with the help of a supervisor, attends to their clients, themselves as part of their client practitioner relationships and the wider systemic context, and by doing so improves the quality of their work, transforms their client relationships, continuously develops themselves, their practice and the wider profession” (Hawkins & Shoet, 2012).

Why is Supervision important in schools?

All staff working in schools play an important role in shaping the cognitive, social and emotional development of children and young people. School staff often juggle multiple tasks and demands and are at the forefront of supporting many of the most vulnerable children and young people in schools. We understand that workloads, deadlines, working with and having empathetic relationships with children and young people with increasingly complex needs can all negatively impact the mental health and well-being of school staff and their capacity to carry out their work. 

Research shows that the health and educational outcomes of children and young people is highly correlated with the wellbeing and competence of school staff. Taking care of school staff, both practically and emotionally, is therefore of high importance for both personal and professional reasons.

Supervision is recognised as a key part of personal and professional development for professionals working in the helping professions and is an effective way that schools can support the well-being and capacity of their staff. Recent research in schools has identified that supervision can provide a restorative, purposeful and professional space for school staff that helps to reduce stress, through the offloading, sharing and validating of emotions and experiences, promote professional development and foster communication and relationships.  For more information about the research in the area of supervision in schools, please visit our Research Hub.

Supervision with Seedling Psychology

Supervision can take place on an individual or small group basis. Individual supervision gives the supervisee their own protected time with the supervisor. Group supervision is powerful for peer support. We offer a minimum buy in of 3 supervision sessions as we value supervision as an ongoing process.  We offer the following supervision packages for staff working in schools and community contexts:

Individual Supervision

  • Package of between 3-6 sessions: £100 per session;

  • Package of between 6-9 sessions: £95 per session;

  • Package of 9+ sessions: £90 per session.

Group Supervision

  • Package of between 3-6 sessions: £150 per session;

  • Package of between 6-9 sessions: £140 per session;

  • Package of 9+ sessions: £130 per session.